One of those days....

Posted by Delta | Posted in | Posted on

Sigh yes its true, its not a myth. Its the "One of those days" syndrome where one wants to be under the covers tucked in tightly into the bed forget everything and go into dreamland - only to realize you have work and no more leaves. Sigh.

Yes folks today is one of those days where nothing goes right and you dread what is next. I normally get up by 4-4.30 as I slipped into a routine but today I couldn't nay didn't want to get up and somehow managed to get up by 8am. I can live with oversleeping (occasionally ofc) but the current outages(4 hours and counting - yup currents not yet back bravo KEB bravo), raining in the night/early morning, gas getting over, no hot water (its chilly now) as well as punching in late for work makes you realize everything would have been so much better if you had just slept in.

Oh well at least I can study and work on my Resolutions :(!!! *fingers crossed*

Comments (2)

Well! I hope this feeling is all gone by now and that you've had a wonderful day! ^^

I'm catching up on your blog, reading previous entries since you've only just started =P

@G: haha... yeah its gone but i still am lacking sleep... yeah some stuff keeps coming up during my blogging sessions :D!! hows things going?